Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Movies Shows Stuff Fun!

The first movie that will I will be telling about is.... Maleficent!

Maleficent is about, well the evil woman Maleficent. The movie starts when she is a little girl, and she lives in the fairy world, and at that time the fairy world and the human kingdom do not like each other. One day a human named Stefan went into the fairy kingdom, and tried to steal a crystal but Maleficent caught him, and she made him through it back. Then shortly after that they became friends. On her sixteenth birthday Stefan gave her a true loves kiss, but after that the king said whoever would slay Maleficent, would be the next king. And Stefan went to Maleficent and drugged her, and cut off her wings, and brought her to the king. So the king made Stefan king. That of course made Maleficent mad, so when King Stefan and his wife had their child, Maleficent came and cursed her. But as the child grew older Maleficent started to like her, but she could not take the curse off Aurora ( the child ). And on her sixteenth birthday she went into a sleep like death, and could only be woken by a true loves kiss. They get a prince but his kiss does not work. So Maleficent gives up, but before she leaves Aurora she kisses her on the forehead, and that of course brings Aurora out of her sleep. Before Maleficent and Aurora make it to the fairy world they are attacked by King Stefan, and they end up finally killing him, and Maleficent got her wings back.

Rated: PG

Time: 97 Min

Main Character: Maleficent ( Angelina Jolie )

The next movie is.... How to Train your Dragon 2

How to Train your dragon 2 starts when Hiccup is older, and he and Astrid find these Dragon Trappers and there leader is, Drago Bludfist. Hiccup goes back to Burk, and warns the villagers. But his dad wants to stay so he wont have to face war, but Hiccup gets out, and goes to look for Drago, but he finds his mom instead. Then when his dad comes, and finds him he runs into him mom, and they make up, because she left him. But when they go to leave Drago Bludfist is there, and there is a big war. During the war Drago makes Toothless kill Hiccups father. And Drago steals Toothless, then Drago goes to Burk to tell the villagers that The Chief Stoic ( Hiccups dad ) is dead. And now he wants to kill them with his Ice Dragon, but Hiccup brings Toothless back, and The Ice Dragon freezes both of them. But Toothless breaks them out by warming his body up, and he challenges the alpha ( The Ice Dragon ) and ends up breaking one of his big horns off, so the Ice Dragon gives up, and he takes Drago Bludfist down under the water which, duh! Kills Drago.

Rated: PG

Time: 105 mins

Main Character: Hiccup ( Jay Baruchel )